041119 NAUDL Washington DC CD 0892 scaled

2023 Annual Dinner

Join Us

2023 Annual Dinner

Thursday, March 30, 2023
George W. Bush Presidential Center
2943 SMU Boulevard
Dallas, TX 75205

6pm Cocktails
7pm Formal Dinner & Program
Honoring Craig W. Budner, Founder and Past Chair of the Dallas Urban Debate Alliance (DUDA)


Download Invitation

NAUDL invites you to join the Board and Staff for its 2023 Annual Dinner in Dallas, TX.

As NAUDL’s largest fundraiser and external networking event, the evening’s program will showcase the important work of NAUDL and its 22 debate league partners. Together, we promote debate programs, curricula and events in schools across the country, impacting academic achievement — and leadership, critical thinking and civil discourse skills — for the students we serve.

Dinner attendees can expect to hear presentations from league alumni and the 2023 Debater of the Year. The Annual Dinner will include a networking cocktail reception, formal dinner, and a Paddle Raise donation auction. Questions? Contact Madalyn Messer-Brooks at madalyn.messerbrooks@urbandebate.org.





Presenting Sponsors

Tom Rogers


Liz and Randal Sandler


Jennifer Northam Wade


Chair’s Circle*

Eric Aboaf and Cheryl Whaley





Steven Sklaver and Wendy Sacks


Richard Sullivan



Stewart Bowe Foundation



Chris Mahoney and Erik Jaffe


Tom and Vicki Rollins




Eric Ball


Tammy and Peter McCutchen






*Annual Dinner Chair Designation

Benefits of Support

Download Opportunity Sheet

We would welcome your support as a sponsor of this special evening, our largest fundraiser of the year, sponsorship packages and benefits are linked here. Questions? Contact Madalyn Messer-Brooks, Director of Development, at madalyn.messerbrooks@urbandebate.org.

Ready to confirm support? Click to complete Sponsorship Commitment Form.

Ready to complete sponsorship payment? Click here.

Download Annual Dinner Invitation


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