SWBAT: •develop skills in identifying the arguments in articles. •develop skill in identifying evidence to support a particular claim. •develop skills in critical reading.
Evidence and Research
SWBAT ▪ use evidence to directly respond to arguments. ▪ identify the major arguments in a text.
Evidence and Research
SWBAT ▪ practice identify a file of evidence that can be used in future brief-writing assignments ▪ develop the arguments surrounding a particular position supported by the file
Evidence and Research
SWBAT: - Develop quality research on an assigned topic - Utilize electronic and library resources - Present a prepared speech
Evidence and Research
SWBAT ▪ critically evaluate evidentiary support for arguments ▪ Defend the logic and assumptions of published materials
Evidence and Research
SWBAT: ▪ be introduced to identifying the major argument presented in an article. ▪ be introduced to the steps involved in preparing an argument brief.