Unit 2 begins with debriefing T-1. Student self-reflection and teacher feedback are powerful instructional strategies. Lessons then build on those learnings to develop new skills in preparation for T-2. For novice debaters, we believe the second tournament should limit students to one case, the Aff and Neg core files provided attached to that case, and on-case arguments. This will allow students to focus clash, building well-structured, logical arguments, analyzing opposition arguments and building detailed, direct responses and counterarguments, and organizing for anticipated arguments.
The lessons in this unit will introduce your new students to:
setting goals based upon judge and coach feedback
impact calculus
offensive and defensive strategies
writing blocks
organizing files
Unit 2
SWBAT: - Reflect on their first tournament - Identify arguments to improve for future tournaments - Integrate judge feedback to modify one rebuttal from their first tournament
Unit 2
SWBAT: - Recall the three basic parts of an argument. - Identify and compare different impact types. - Identify and discuss strategies for comparing different impacts.
Unit 2
SWBAT: - Identify the most strategic elements of impact calculus for different impacts. -Practice comparing impacts and analyze the effectiveness of their comparisons.
SWBAT: - Practice using the most strategic elements of impact calculus for different impacts. - Practice comparing impacts and analyze the effectiveness of their comparisons. - Practice taking notes to provide feedback to their peers.
SWBAT: - Discuss negative strategies for answering affirmative arguments. - Utilize the offense/defense paradigm to construct 4 answers to each affirmative advantage in the (pick one) affirmative file.