Sara scaled

Sara Sanchez

Director of Programs and Communications

Sara Sanchez


Sara Sanchez is responsible for national volunteer engagement and national public debate initiatives. In addition, Sara serves as the Urban Debate National Tournament Director and manages all social media platforms and communication efforts for NAUDL. Sara brings 10+ years of debate coaching experience to her role. She was previously assistant debate coach at Rowland Hall St. Mark’s Upper School in Salt Lake City and Director of Debate at both Lexington High School in Massachusetts and Glenbrook South High School in Illinois. She is a Barkley Forum Key Coach, has served as a board member of the National Debate Coaches Association, and was a member of the Tournament of Champions Advisory Committee.

In addition to her expertise in debate, Sara is passionate about public education. She spent seven years as a classroom teacher, three years as a research analyst at the Utah Foundation, working primarily on education issues, and, more recently, held the role of Managing Director of Policy for Educators 4 Excellence, an advocacy organization for teachers in Chicago. Sara has a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science from the University of Utah.

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